• Caja Rural de Navarra

    Institutional and Corporate Information

    Fondo verde con tramados amarillo

Institutional and Corporate Information


Legal Personality: Credit cooperative.

Corporate Purpose: To engage in all types of lending and deposit-taking operations and provide services typical of the financial institutions comprising the SPANISH FINANCIAL SYSTEM.

Registered Office: The registered office is in PAMPLONA at Plaza de los Fueros, 1.

Registration: Registered in the Register of Cooperatives and Limited Partnerships of the Directorate General for the Spanish Labour and Social Security Ministry with number 2163/344. S.M.T., in the Bank of Spain with number 3008 and the Navarra Companies Register with volume 11, page 175, sheet NA 183.

Tax identification number: F/31021611

Telephone: 948 16.81.00

Fax: 948 24.45.57

Corporate bodies:

  • General Assembly

  • Governing Board

Scope of operation: Caja Rural de Navarra's territorial scope of operation covers the whole of Spain, although the bank currently operates in the regions of Navarra, La Rioja, Guipuzcoa and Álava.

Main highlights:

  • Specialisation in the primary sector, ranking first by market share in Navarra.

  • Diversification of the business, initially targeting domestic economies and SMEs.

  • Universal banking model to further diversification, enabling the bank to gain a leading presence in different economic sectors (SME's, institutions, etc.).

  • Expansion in cities, with offices located throughout Pamplona and the surrounding area.

  • Expansion into neighbouring markets to provide the Caja Rural group with an extensive and comprehensive national distribution network.

  • Quasi-flat organisational structure, with a matrix style in decision taking, giving the bank flexibility in taking decisions and allocating tasks and responsibilities.

  • A young and professional team, the real driver of growth in the last few years.


Institutional presentation

Social Social

Caja Rural de Navarra is a private socially responsible entity, a credit cooperative with more than 185,993 members whose available profit is used exclusively for two purposes:

  • 90% to increase the entity’s reserves, in order to continue fostering the development of the local economy.

  • To provide the Social project fund with resources.



Because of its robust capitalization, Caja Rural de Navarra is one of the most solvent institutions in the Spanish financial system. Its fully loaded tier 1 capital ratio (CET1) in December 2023 stood at 23,84%, one of the highest in the Spanish financial sector.

Ratio de Capital de nivel 1 ordinario CET1


 Creditworthy: Rating

Caja Rural de Navarra is rated by two of the major global credit rating agencies: BBB+ by Fitch and Baa1 by Moody´s. This makes it one of the top-rated institutions in the Spanish financial sector.


 Eficient: Caja Rural group

Caja Rural de Navarra is part of the Caja Rural Group of financial institutions.This Group is inspired by the European cooperative model and affords the Bank complete management independence while allowing it to access the services and economies of scale of major financial group.

The Caja Rural Group is active throughout Spain and includes more than 2.346 branches, 9.708 employees, 3.115 ATMs, 6,3 million customers and 1,5 million members. Its main specialist subsidiaries are Banco Cooperativo, Rural Servicios Informáticos and Seguros RGA.

Key figures

Profit for the year €190,8 million

Loans and advances to customers €9.227 million

Customers  652.499

Funds from private sector customers €12.146 million

Contribution to Social Welfare Fund  €20,8 million



The Caja Rural Group 


  • BCE (Banco Cooperativo Español, S.A.):

Logotipo del BCE



A financial group that was set up on 31 July 1990, mainly to act as central bank for the Cajas Rurales.


  • RSI (Rural Servicios Informáticos):

Logotipo de RSI



This company was founded in 1986 by a small number of Cajas Rurales, which were the first to adopt the now widespread use of outsourcing, pooling together their investment capacity to create a common, central data management centre aimed at unifying their operational support and achieving cost savings through economies of scale.


  • RGA (Seguros RGA):

Logotipo RGA



This is the insurance company for the Cajas Rurales. It comprises four companies offering the banks' customers insurance and pension funds. These are: Seguros Generales Rural, S.A, Rural Vida, S.A, Rural Pensiones, S.A. and RGA Broker Correduría de Seguros, S.A.